
Cherry wine – Indonesia

16,00 60,00  inc. VAT

Complex and syrupy blend of funky, intense and round flavors, with notes of black cherry, grapefruit, wine, guava, ginger.

Cupping profile: natural wine, black cherry, blackberry, ginger

Frinsa Estate

Wildan Mustofa and his wife Atieq Mustikaningtyas started their first coffee project in Sindangkerta, Weninggalih area in 2010. This later became the main growing area at his farm Java Frinsa Estate. Since the first year of production, Wildan has aimed to focus on quality which requires meticulous attention and processes. While the majority of Indonesian producers are doing the wet hulled coffees, even for specialty, Wildan is focusing on the fully washed. Besides the quality, and social and economic impact for the community, we believe the coffee project also have long term benefits for water conservation and reforestation . Frinsa Estate is located in West Java, locally called Sunda. They have a wetmill as well as a well ventilated storage space and a dry mill. All located at 1400 masl altitude. This means they are in fully control of their product from harvest to grading, sorting and shipment. Frinsa Estate have 6 main growing plots spread out in the area. And they buy cherries from a few selected outgrower in the surroundings of the Estate. These coffees are sold under the brand name Frinsa Collective.


12 day Anaerobic Natural Lactobacillus

Anaerobic Natural Lactobacillus. This coffee undergoes a 12-day anaerobic cherry fermentation process with Lactobacillus (a probiotic bacterium used for refined fermentation resulting in a more transparent profile). The whole cherry is then dried on the ground or in a parabolic dryer. This has resulted in more uniform drying, and therefore more consistent outcomes.
Equipped with a ventilated storage space and a dry mill, they exercise meticulous control over their product journey, from harvest, to grading, to sorting, and shipment. The Frinsa team is well-versed in processing techniques, navigating challenges posed by the climate to achieve clean, transparent profiles in their coffees.

About this coffee

Cupping score: 87.75

Farm: Java Frinsa Estate
Producer: Wildan Mustofa
Region: Sindangkerta
Altitude: 1400 MASL
Variety: Utang, P88, Boubon
Processing: 12 days lactobacillus anaerobic fermentation natural


SIGARAR UTANG – As the result of crossing Caturra and HdT831, the varietal is a prolific producer, with year-round fruit, giving credit to its name, which translates as, ‘quickly repay debt’. Found throughout Sumatra, the varietal produces large beans that become smaller as the plants age.

Natural Lactobacillus

This coffee undergoes a cherry fermentation process with Lactobacillus (a probiotic bacterium used for refined fermentation resulting in a more transparent profile).

Roast Style

espresso, filter


250g, 1000g

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